Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Picture Proves

Do you ever walk through a proof, understand each step, yet not believe the 
theorem, not say ‘Yes, of course it’s true’? The analytic, logical, sequential 
approach often does not convince one as well as does a carefully crafted 
picture. This difference is no coincidence. The analytic, sequential portions 
of our brain evolved with our capacity for language, which is perhaps 105 
years old. Our pictorial, Gestalt hardware results from millions of years 
of evolution of the visual system and cortex. In comparison to our visual 
hardware, our symbolic, sequential hardware is an ill-developed latecomer. 
Advertisers know that words alone do not convince you to waste money on 
their clients’ junk, so they spend zillions on images. This principle, which has 
higher applications, is the theme of this chapter. 

quote from Street Fighting Mathematics.

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