Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A symmetric list type

In almost all functional programming language ( ML, Haskell) , list is defined as below ( in Isabelle syntax )

datatype 'a list =
| Cons 'a "'a list" (infixl "#" 65)

The symmetry of list is lost in above definition ,
which also cause the proof of list property extremely hard

If you look at the page 10 to 15 of
you'll find the prove rev (rev x) = x is quite long ,
with the introduction of 5 lemma.
but if we defined list symmetrically , we don't need to define append function , and prove of rev(rev x ) = x is just a piece of cake.
following is the Isabelle code:

theory List1
imports Datatype

datatype 'a list =
S 'a
| Cons "'a list" "'a list" (infixl "#" 65)

primrec rev :: "'a list \ 'a list" where
"rev (S x ) = S x "
| "rev (x # y) = rev y # rev x "

theorem rev_rev [simp] : "rev (rev x ) = x "
apply (induct_tac x)

Problem :
I cannot prove associative of # .
This makes me understand why lists are defined as cons a (list a) ,
because cons a ( cons b (cons c nil)) is the normal form.
and you can prove associative from the normal form.
while my way of defining list do not have normal form.

notes on relation algebra

From : Graham , Between Functions and Relations in Calculating Programs

Calculational approach to programming ( derive program from specification):

  • fold/unfold of Burstall and Darlingto
  • imperative refinement calculus of Back Morgan , Morris 
  • functional Squiggol of Bird and Meertens
  • relational Ruby of Jones and Sheeran
  • categorical approach of Bird and De Moor   
    • From Dynamic Programming to greedy algorithm
    • Oege . Categories, Relations and Dynamic Programming

History of Binary Relation Theory:
  • Peirce 1870
  • Schroder 1895
  • Tarski 1941 .On the calculus of relations 
Relational calulus as Programming Language
  • Ruby , Jones and Sheeran
  • Bird and de Moor 
  • Backhouse el.  A relational theory of datatypes
  • MacLennan RPL 
  • D. M. Cattrall . The Design and Implementation of a Relational Programming System. Phd
  • Veloso. Partial relations for program derivation.
Developement of Squiggol
  • Boom Hierarchy: tree , lists, bags, sets
  • Malcom : recursive types , F-algebra, catamorphic. Algebraic Data Types and Program Transformation. PhD.
  • Gibbons 29
  • Meijer 50. types are cpo. unify finite and infinite objects , deriving compiler from denotational semantics. 
  • Fokkinga 27. extend F-algebra to constructors with laws. Law and Order in Algorithmics. PhD.
Relational Algebra as specification 
  • Berghammer [7]. specify types and programs
  • Desharnais [21]. specify types by relational formulae
  • Haeberer [67]. extend RA to first order logic
  • Fredy [28]. Barr[6], Carboni [16]Categorical treatment