Friday, August 19, 2011

the category of Relations is a 2-category

The category of relations with:

  • 0-cells : Sets (A,B,C,D)
  • 1-cells : Relations(R,S, T)
  • 2-cells : Inclusion. R < S iff forall x:A, y:B, xRy implies xSy
  1. Horizontal composition: R < R' S < S' implies R.S < R'.S'
  2. Vertical composition : R < S < T imples R < T

Am I right?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

notes on Ur/Web's fold function

This post is about Ur/Web Programming language at
it's a detail document on fold function, a type level folding function.

val fold : Ka kind, one of Type, Name, or Unit.Type
--> tf :: ({K} -> Type)a type level function, given a record of K, return a Type,con numFields = fn _ => int
Following is a type level folder function.
Given a value of type tf r, return a value of type tf ([ nm=v] ++r )
-> (nm :: Name ->nm is a name,Male
v :: K ->v is a type of kind K,bool
r :: {K} ->rest of the record.[ Name = string , Age = int]
[[nm] ~ r]a prove of nm is not in r. The compiler will prove for you.Prove of Male is not in { Name, Age}
=>all arguments before => are type level, and can be deduced by compiler.
tf r ->given a value of type tf r.5
tf ([nm = v] ++ r))return a value of type tf( [nm=v]++r)).6
-> tf []initial value, it has type tf [], [] is the empty record ( type level )0
-> r ::: {K}record to fold.{ Name : "Alex", Age : 10 , Male : False}
-> folder ra folder that will derived by the compiler
-> tf rreturn type. eg. int3